What is WebRTC?

Published Aug 19, 2024

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC enabling real-time communication between web browsers and mobile apps

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project that enables real-time communication capabilities directly in web browsers and mobile applications. It allows audio, video, and data sharing between peers without the need for an intermediary server, making it a powerful tool for building interactive applications like video conferencing, live streaming, and real-time data transfer.

Key Features of WebRTC

  1. Real-Time Communication: Enables high-quality audio, video, and data transfer in real time.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Connection: Facilitates direct communication between devices, reducing latency and server load.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supported by major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  4. Security: Provides built-in security features such as encryption and secure signaling.

Where Should We Use WebRTC?

WebRTC use cases: video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming, data sharing, IoT

WebRTC is ideal for applications that require real-time communication. Some common use cases include:

1. Video Conferencing

  • Usage: Enabling one-on-one or group video calls.
  • Example Applications: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams.

2. Live Streaming

  • Usage: Broadcasting live events with minimal delay.
  • Example Applications: Twitch, YouTube Live, Facebook Live.

3. Online Gaming

  • Usage: Facilitating real-time multiplayer interactions.
  • Example Applications: Browser-based multiplayer games.

4. Real-Time Data Sharing

  • Usage: Exchanging data between peers in real time.
  • Example Applications: Collaborative tools like Google Docs, live coding environments.

5. IoT and Smart Devices

  • Usage: Enabling real-time communication between IoT devices.
  • Example Applications: Home automation systems, security cameras.

Best WebRTC Libraries

When working with WebRTC, several libraries can simplify the implementation and provide additional features. Here are some of the best WebRTC libraries:

1. SimpleWebRTC

Description: A library designed to make building WebRTC applications easier. It abstracts much of the complexity of WebRTC, providing a simpler API for developers.


  • Easy to use.
  • Built-in signaling server.
  • Simplified API for common WebRTC tasks.



Copy code

import SimpleWebRTC from 'simplewebrtc';


const webrtc = new SimpleWebRTC({

  localVideoEl: 'localVideo',

  remoteVideosEl: 'remotes',

  autoRequestMedia: true



webrtc.on('readyToCall', () => {




2. PeerJS

Description: PeerJS simplifies peer-to-peer data, video, and audio calls. It abstracts the browser’s WebRTC implementation, making it easier to use.


  • Simple API.
  • Handles signaling server setup.
  • Supports data channels.



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const peer = new Peer();


peer.on('open', id => {

  console.log('My peer ID is: ' + id);



const conn = peer.connect('another-peer-id');

conn.on('open', () => {




3. Socket.IO with WebRTC

Description: Socket.IO can be combined with WebRTC to handle signaling for WebRTC connections. This combination leverages Socket.IO’s real-time capabilities to manage WebRTC signaling.


  • Real-time bidirectional communication.
  • Simple integration with WebRTC.
  • Handles signaling server setup.



Copy code

const socket = io.connect();


socket.on('message', message => {

  // Handle WebRTC signaling messages



const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();


pc.onicecandidate = event => {

  if (event.candidate) {

    socket.emit('message', { candidate: event.candidate });





  .then(offer => pc.setLocalDescription(offer))

  .then(() => {

    socket.emit('message', { sdp: pc.localDescription });



4. mediasoup

Description: A more advanced library for handling WebRTC media servers. It provides low-level APIs to handle real-time media streaming.


  • High scalability.
  • Low-level control over media streams.
  • Suitable for large-scale applications.



Copy code

import { Server } from 'mediasoup';


const server = new Server();

server.on('newworker', worker => {

  console.log(`New worker created: ${worker.pid}`);



5. Janus WebRTC Server

Description: Janus is a general-purpose WebRTC server that allows implementing various WebRTC-based solutions.


  • Highly customizable.
  • Supports a wide range of plugins.
  • Scalable and efficient.



Copy code

import Janus from './janus.js';



  debug: 'all',

  callback: () => {

    const janus = new Janus({

      server: 'ws://yourserver:8188',

      success: () => {


          plugin: 'janus.plugin.videoroom',

          success: pluginHandle => {

            console.log('Plugin attached:', pluginHandle);







WebRTC is a powerful technology for enabling real-time communication in web and mobile applications. It is particularly useful for video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming, real-time data sharing, and IoT applications. By leveraging libraries like SimpleWebRTC, PeerJS, Socket.IO, mediasoup, and Janus, developers can simplify the implementation process and focus on building robust, real-time communication features. Choosing the right library depends on the specific needs and complexity of your project.